Good news

We have waited a long time to report good news – and we are now delighted to let you know that work on finalizing a design for the B4044 path has begun. The design will cover the whole length of the route from West Way in Botley, along the Eynsham Road past Hill End and Farmoor to the toll bridge and the roundabout near the Siemens factory. From there the path will continue to the vicinity of the A40 roundabout in Eynsham.

Specialist consultants have been recruited to come up with proposals that will be the basis of a public consultation and, in dure course, a planning application. Bike Safe has made available all the background studies and surveys we have done over recent years and will have regular consultations with the County Council and the design team to seek with the aim of ensuring the path will be safe, continuous and a pleasure to use.

The design work should be complete by April/May 2025…..and we will of course let you know the next steps when the proposals are ready.

There is a good working relationship not just with the County Council but also with other stakeholders – the most important one being the University of Oxford which owns much of the land on which the path will be built and has been steadfast in their support for the path for years.

The Oxford Mail did a good report on the current situation. If you missed it, just click the link

 More good news! A cycling and walking network for Eynsham

Our campaign for the B4044 path is just one part of a broader campaign to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more enjoyable. Building one multi-use path is a key element of a bigger plan for a network of connected and continuous paths for Eynsham.

Bike Safe has been busy working with OCC and other cycling groups in Oxfordshire such as Cyclox and Oxfordshire Cycling Network to ensure that new road and housing developments such as the A40 corridor and the Salt Cross development have high quality and linked paths that will make Oxfordshire a model of good practice. There is still a long way to go and old habits of treating pedestrians and cyclists as afterthoughts will continue to need to be challenged – but it is great to see an emerging consensus on the need for more and better investment in cycling and walking.


A40 Park & Ride Eynsham to Wolvercote scheme – Survey

 If you haven’t done so already, there is a chance for you to fill in a survey on the Council website about the A40 Park & Ride Scheme. To fill in the survey, click on this link Survey.

The deadline is 1st January.

For more information click here


With best wishes for Christmas and let’s look forward to making real progress in the new year!

The BikeSafe team

B4044 Path

Bike Safe is a charity which is campaigning to get a community path built along the busy B4044 road between Eynsham and Oxford (Botley).

